Cuckold Horns

  1. Cuckold Horns Gesture
  2. Cuckold Horns Symbol
  3. Cuckold Horns Definition

This is part 2 in a series of letters about my cuckolding. For context, read part 1. We open with O/our Bull knocking at the door on the fateful evening.

Already on my feet, i walked to the door and, fumbling with the handle a bit, opened it to see Him. Our eyes met. i saw His immediately slide down my nightgown as His grin widened.
'Ah, good evening, sissy,' He chuckled, stepping by me with a kiss on the cheek. 'Good evening, Madame.' They kissed politely.
'Molly, please help Marc with His things,' She ordered. my cock growing at the first service command of the evening, i helped Him out of His dark wool overcoat and hung it on the coatrack.
'May i take your jacket, Sir?'
He didn't respond immediately; He was taking Her in. Resplendent in Her demi-cup bra and panties underneath a sheer, floor-length gown with thigh-high slits up each side, Her dark curls offsetting the deep red lips and mocha skin, She basked in His appraisal.
He was just as impressively dressed, with a sportcoat over a vest and tie, a patterned shirt topped a pressed pair of slacks and dark lace-up Oxfords. Turning His head, eyes still on Her, smiling, He finally replied, 'No, sissy, thank you, I'm comfortable for now.'
'Yes, Sir,' i breathed, watching Her meet His smile. She glanced at me, Her arousal palpable; if Her barbell-pierced nipples didn't already give it away, Her eyes just had that look which intensified at the realization that this was indeed turning me on. Her Molly really had dropped deep into subspace and Her dominance was therefore intensified. She's a sadist and inasmuch as she loves me -- because She loves me -- She didn't miss a beat as She returned Her gaze to His and stepped into His arms.
Placing Her left hand at the nape of His neck, Her other hand on His chest, She asked if He would like to have a seat with Her while i opened the bottle of Rosé that He'd brought along. i took the bottle from His obviously dexterous hand as They sat at the dining table. Taking the cue, She began massaging His neck as i moved to the kitchen to open the bottle and fill the glasses.
They both smelled delicious.
This was going to be amazing, i tittered to myself, as i popped the cork. My hands were shaking as i poured the first glass, so much so that i spilled a bit on the counter. She noticed.
'Excited, bitch?' Opening His eyes lazily He gazed up at Her questioningly. 'Molly spilled some of your wine, Marc. She's been like this all afternoon waiting for you to arrive.'
'Hm...' His arched eyebrow and Her stern smile prompted my apology.
'I'm sorry, M'am,' i began.
'No one asked you to speak, faggot,' she interrupted, not angry, just matter-of-fact. 'Lick up the mess. Consider it practice for later.'
i nearly lost my balance at that, even having foregone the 5' heels for the 4' platforms. As i bent over to tongue the wine off the butcher-block counter i watched Him lift Her stocking feet to His lap. Closing my eyes, enjoying the sound of Her moans of pleasure at His massage, i finished cleaning the counter -- with a sponge afterwards, of course -- then finished filling the glasses. Returning to the table, i served Her, then Him, then took my own seat across Them both. As W/we chatted, i watched His hands on Her calf and thigh. The gold barbells occasionally caught the light through Her sheer lingerie as She moved at His touch.
Before i knew it, the discussion excluded me; He turned His body to face Hers, moving both hands up and down Her leg, eliciting smiles and more happy moans from Madame. The higher He ran His hands, the closer He moved to Her, the more She smiled. When His fingers grazed Her pussy His face was inches from Hers. He'd been murmuring sexy things to Her, things He meant for Her, only. my heart was pounding. This was faster and hotter than i'd expected and i couldn't have been happier.
And that's when it happened: Placing Her feet back on the ground He stood and moved behind Her. One hand cupping a breast, lightly pinching Her pierced nipple, He slid the other, palm-down, between Her legs. i could see the veins in the back of His hand through the pattern of Her sheer panties, the bulge of a knuckle that told of His finger between Her folds, made easy by Her having spread Her legs willingly. The inside of each knee whitened at each fingertip's pressure as She held Herself open to His every attention.
His deep, kind, amused, brown eyes locked onto mine. With His mouth by Her ear, Her eyes closed, He interrupted Her moans of unreserved pleasure at His touch, instructing just loud enough for me to hear...
'Look at your sissy over there across the table. Look how much You're hurting him and how much he enjoys it.'
i'd been standing so i could see everything across the table and was just pile-driven into sub-space at this. i was gored with lust, my cock harder than ever having escaped the confines of my panties, tenting my gown, slightly. my face was flushed with pleasure while my hands explored my body, yet not daring to touch my cock. There was nothing else in the world happening at this moment besides this gorgeous Bull ravishing my equally gorgeous and thrillingly willing, eager Wife.
At His words i watched Her face.
At His words i watched Her eyes open languorously.
At His words i watched Her soul glow as She blissfully accepted and seconded the truth in what He said.
i watched Her belly contract as Her body contracted.
i listened as She came at the knowledge that She and He were hurting me and i loved it.
i saw the geyser of cum issuing from Her beautiful pussy as She screamed inchoately, as She stared at me with such deep love and grateful devotion.
There was a microsecond in that look in which Her eyes questioned, begged forgiveness for Her participation in this love affair, a microsecond in which Her query was answered by my unflinching, grateful, eager absolution. An answer at which She came harder, yet, the oak flooring shining with Her cum.
He held Her, His head lowered beside Hers, whispering things i'll never know about, His arm encircling Her torso, His hand diving in and out of Her cunt, playing with Her clit, grazing Her g-spot as she continued to convulse in exquisite pleasure, lost to all but U/us, to lust, to love.
i couldn't move. i was transfixed. Nothing prepared me for the intensity of the feelings i was experiencing. It was quite simply the most amazing feeling i've experienced yet. i was so happy to confirm that this was right for U/us, that this made U/us all happy.
i was being cuckolded and it was perfect.
He held Her as She came down. As Her eyes fluttered open, She gazed at Him and pulled Him in, Her mouth open and hungry for His lips, His tongue. She wrapped Her arms around Him as They kissed and She squealed into His mouth as He worked more fingers into her willing and wide-open cunt. Seconds later She came again, soaking His hand.
As She came down from her third ejaculation of the evening, She shook Her head and obviously started re-familiarizing Herself with Her surroundings. Quite clearly pleased and not at all ashamed or worried anymore, She smiled at Her soaked pussy and His equally drenched hand, and kissed Him, slowly and repeatedly. Pausing, She laughed as She noticed the condition of the floor.
Turning Her lust-filled gaze to me, Her hand stroking His cock through His slacks, with amused disdain in her throat She breathed, 'Remember that practice you got cleaning up the wine, bitch?'
i nodded.
Moving His hand to Her nipple, She intensified Her gaze. 'What's that faggot?'
'i'm sorry, Yes, M'am,' i smiled. i'd started to move around the table.
'What are you doing?'
His voice was calm but quite unmistaken that i wasn't to anticipate anything. 'She only asked you if you remembered. She hasn't told you to do anything yet. Sit down, sissy.'
Her grin widened as She gazed up at Him, grabbing his cock tighter through His pants, clearly pleased.
'That's right, Molly. Oh I *am* glad W/we found Him, aren't you? Look at you, all aflutter at His command...'
She was right, i couldn't stand it, i was shaking with ecstasy and adrenaline. She turned back to Him pulling Him in for another kiss as His hand intensified its ministrations. They let me stew for a beat or two.
When Her hips began to buck She gasped, 'Come over now...hands and knees, and clean up...the floor, bitch.' Without waiting for a reply she turned back to His mouth, Her arms again around his neck, Her legs still spread wide for His hand.
i complied, willingly, happily, submissively, though to be perfectly frank, i was thankful that She'd made me clean the floors earlier that day. my willingness to wallow in filth only extends so far. At any rate, i crawled to the furthest reaches of Their accomplishment and was working my way back when i heard, 'UUUUUNNNNNGGGGGHHHH!!!!!' and felt Her cum lash me from my shoulder down across my round ass. i smiled as i looked up to see His 4 fingers deep in Her pussy. Dragging my gaze back to the trail of jizz that replaced what i'd just finished licking up, i felt like a kinky Sisyphus. This torture was exquisite. With one last look up at His cocky half-smile and Her quivering body, i returned to my task.
'Do you need a rest, Madame,' i heard, tongue to floor. 'she'll be done in a moment, perhaps a glass of water? To replenish?'
One of my favorite laughs of Hers, one which only comes out when She's really amused at a sub's predicament: 'Yes,' She chuckled, 'a glass of water would be welcome -- sissy?'
'Yes, M'am?'
'I need water.'
'Yes, M'am. Should i do that now and then return to this task or wrap it up first?'
'You're not done yet?'
'No, M'am.'
'Hm.' They looked at each other, then back to me.
'There's a lot to clean up, M'am, i'm happy to say, but I'll try to work more quickly.'
'Yes, well your mouth is talking instead of cleaning and as I'm thirsty, yes: Be a good bitch and get me some water now.'
'Yes, M'am. Sir? You as well?'
'No thank you, sissy. The wine suffices for now. But first, stand up and bend over, hands on the table.'
'Yes, Sir,' i grinned, knowing what was coming.
His eyes looped up, back around and down at Her, eyebrows arched. She just laughed. 'You have an eager sissy, Madame,' He chuckled.
'Yes,' she continued laughing, 'I'm surprised She hasn't exploded by now. Look at her!'
It was true: i was in position, wiggling my ass and grinning like an idiot.
His hand swiped up from nowhere to land directly where my ass meets my thighs. Perfect placement. A charge went through my ass and cock at the strike. i moaned, turned my head, and grinned, 'Thank you, Sir!'
'Why are you smiling?' He asked me.
'Because I am having such a good time, Sir,' I responded, looking back over my shoulder at him and shaking my hips in what I hoped was an inviting manner. my ass was just getting warmed up.
'Ah, but you should be learning a lesson, sissy.' The force of His hand became harder and harder, as He varied the blows from cheek to cheek. My eyes widened as His hand landed with an especially hard stroke.
'Ow! Thank you, Sir!'
At the sound of my cry, She gathered Herself into a more upright position and leaned forward to take a look at my ass.
'Nice...' She had that purr of satisfaction and that dreamy look in Her eyes that She gets when She gazes at marks on skin. 'He left a perfect handprint on your right cheek, there, Molly.' A slow smile parted her lips.
'you are to do as your Mistress commands you. Quickly. Without question. Do you understand, sissy?' Marc leaned forward as he issued these instructions in his low, calm voice. I could feel his breath ticking my ear as he called me 'sissy.' I melted a little more inside as I tried my best to straighten my face and respond.
'Yes, Sir.'
He continued to spank me, with more hard, pounding strokes. Another, followed by another look and thanks given. Another. And another. i lost count after the 4th one; i was delirious with lust, moaning and drooling, my head on the table.
Then that feeling you get when you're expecting something at the next beat, but it doesn't. It was time to rest a bit, to glow in the warmth from His hand.
i stood, then with a final 'Thank you, Sir', fetched the water. i was stopped as, after returning, i bent to resume my floorwork. 'Molly, don't worry about that now, just wipe up the remainder. Marc needs your assistance.'
'Yes, M'am.' i stood, hands clasped just above my ass.
'Why don't you fetch a hanger for Marc's jacket, a nice one from the bedroom,' She smiled.
'Thank you, M'am, of course.' i quickly turned and walked toward the bedroom, listening to Them resume their kissing. Seeing His hands on Her breasts as She kissed Him -- as i left Them alone -- was superb.
Returning with the hanger, i saw Him standing behind Her, off to the side, waiting. His hand was resting on Her shoulder, Her arm crossing Her breasts so She could rest Her hand on His. The signal was unmistakable: They were lovers, in control, and They would be fucking very soon. As He shrugged out of His jacket i took it from Him and hung it on the door.
'Is it ok to hang it here, Sir?'
'Yes, sissy, that's fine.' Glancing down at Her, 'She is a pretty good sissy, no? Needs a little training but I like her.'
Looking up over Her shoulder She assented. 'Yes, I like my Molly, but,' she critiqued, looking back to me as She slowly stroked His crotch with Her left hand, 'she does need correction, from time to time. Although...' She paused to grab and tug a bit, boring Her eyes into mine.
i didn't dare look away but my peripheral vision was taking in as much as possible. He tilted His head and grinned lazily as She manhandled His cock. It was Hers for the night and They both knew W/we all wanted it that way.
'Although,' She resumed, 'she seems to be far more pliable tonight. I wonder why,' She trailed off derisively.
Chuckling, 'Perhaps the faggot likes seeing Me ravage his wife more than We expected.'
My eyes widened in acknowledgment.
'It's true, isn't it, faggot,' She laughed, impressed. 'I was a bit concerned about how this would play out but it turns out My concerns were misplaced. you really *do* love being made a cuckold. you want Him to fuck Me.' There was still a hint of amazement in Her voice; it was surely too good to be true. But there was no catch: It was just perfect. There was no other shoe to drop, no jealousy, just raw, pure lust girded with and strengthening a deep, mutual love between Domme and sub.
His eyes were still closed, head tilted back as He enjoyed Her touch and the conversation. 'Yes, Madame, she does and if she's a good sissy perhaps she'll get some of your pussy, maybe even my cock, later.'
Unnnngggggh. I so hoped.
Checking that he wasn't looking, i mouthed, 'Is He...big?'
The Cheshire Cat had nothing on Her: Long slow nod, huge grin, eyes glinting with that mix of derision and love that made my head spin. i couldn't wait to see it, to get Them ready, to guide Him into Her.
Pulling me up from the depths of subspace just a bit, He murmured to the ceiling, 'Replenish Our drinks, sissy, then join Us in the living room,' i retrieved the glasses from the table and did as bidden.
i took a bit of time in the kitchen. i wanted to give Them as much time alone as i could stand without being yelled at for being too slow. Glasses refilled, mindful of my heels, of my place, i pivoted from the counter and swanned into the dining room. Where i came up short and stared, mute, at the next chapter in O/our sybaritic evening.
O/our Bull was seated on a towel on the couch, upright, head resting comfortably, bare legs spread, His tie undone, dress shirt open revealing a smooth, muscular torso, His pants around His ankles. My stunning Wife was at His feet, Her lips and hands wrapped around His clearly thick and long cock, giving Him a luxuriously slow, intense blowjob. Between Her full grip and still-red, taut lips was a beautiful, smooth, turgid shaft. The watery sounds, the sounds of the suction occasionally punctuating the performance had me mesmerized.
The time i'd taken had been well-spent.
She looked up at me, His cock in Her mouth, Her hand stroking languidly, and held my gaze.
It's difficult to explain the mix of emotions in Her eyes at that look. She conveyed simultaneously, somehow, the deepest love for me, a love borne of Her happiness at the knowledge that i was truly happy, along with the unambiguous message that whether i wanted this or not, whether this hurt me or not, She would not stop. She would make love to this god in front of me and She would enjoy Their exclusive lovemaking thoroughly.
This is the difficult part for people not familiar with this sort of relationship to understand: i wanted Her to hurt me in this way. 'Hurt' is perhaps too blunt, too one-dimensional, but there is definitely a painful component to it. One feels a sharp ache seeing one's partner give Herself to another. But there's also just the most delicious mix of amazement that this is happening, of love for one's partner, and of a soul-drenching satisfaction that only a true submissive understands. A satisfaction nurtured by the knowledge that the Domme is receiving pleasure -- unmitigated pleasure -- both at Her own freedom to indulge in whatever gives Her the most physically and emotionally satisfying sexual fulfillment and at Her own deep, erotic, sweet, smug satisfaction that Her dominance over Her sub is complete.
Eyes locked on mine, She resumed after the briefest pause, gliding Her lips down that gorgeous shaft to meet Her hand. Her look intensified, the love giving way to the sadism, again conveying delight in my degradation at Their hands, delight in Her own sexual fulfillment at my exclusion.
'Mmm, good girl,' He rumbled, clearly enchanted by Her attention. He, too, clearly enjoyed my predicament, as evidenced by the wry smile on His face. 'Your Wife gives an excellent blowjob, I'm sure you're aware...well, perhaps you're not...has She ever done it like this for you?'
In truth, She hadn't; there was an ineffable quality to Her cocksucking, an intensity that i couldn't recall seeing or enjoying, myself.
i was thoroughly enjoying my predicament, so much so that i just stood there, agape.
A pop as She removed His cock from Her mouth. Annoyed: 'Sissy? Were you going to reply?'
A sharp glance from between His legs commanded me to speak. She didn't interrupt Her manual caresses.
'no,' i whispered as the realization cut painfully, deliciously into my heart.
Another, sharper glance. Eyebrows together. She was not pleased at having Her attention pulled away from something so clearly enjoyable just because Her sub wasn't behaving.
'No, what, faggot,' clearly annoyed at having to interrupt Her own pleasure. 'Answer Us properly! Now,' she snapped.
'No, Sir, i don't think i've ever received a blowjob like this one,' i apologized, taken aback by the intensity of Her reaction. That sort of emotion doesn't come from someone putting on an act; She was really enjoying this.
'i'm sorry, Sir, M'am, it's's just there's so much i'm feeling right now, so much beauty surrounding me, that i forgot everything, especially my place.'
'Mmm, excellent,' he moaned. 'That's fine, faggot, We forgive you.'
As punishment, She kept Her annoyance visible, eyes locked on mine, as She resumed, laving His cockhead lovingly with Her tongue. Only after She felt i'd received the message did She look back in His eyes, the expression on Her face changing instantly: Whereas Her eyes, when focused on me, still smoldered at my transgression, They held nothing but passion and a desire to please when turned to Him. The dismissal was clear and thrilling as She slowly moved His shaft deeper and deeper into her mouth.

Required Cookies & Technologies. Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. Every month I’ll be running a cuckold and hotwife story contest. Below you’ll find current and previous story submissions from real cuckolds and hotwives about their sexual escapades. My Girl Fucked At Her Party. I’ve never been the best at telling stories, but here we go. My girlfriend and I were both uni students in the same city.

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and Polyamory
  • Open relationship
  • Cuckold / Cuckquean

A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife; the wife of an adulterous husband is a cuckquean. In evolutionary biology, a cuckold is a male which unwittingly invests parental effort in juveniles that are not genetically his offspring.[1]

History of the term

c. 1815 French satire on cuckoldry, which shows both men and women wearing horns

The word cuckold derives from the cuckoo bird, alluding to its habit of laying its eggs in other birds' nests.[2][3] The association is common in medieval folklore, literature, and iconography.

English usage first appears about 1250 in the medieval debate poemThe Owl and the Nightingale. It was characterized as an overtly blunt term in John Lydgate's 'Fall of Princes', c. 1440.[4] Shakespeare's writing often referred to cuckolds, with several of his characters suspecting they had become one.[3]

The word often implies that the husband is deceived; that he is unaware of his wife's unfaithfulness and may not know until the arrival or growth of a child plainly not his (as with cuckoo birds).[3]


The female equivalent cuckquean first appears in English literature in 1562,[5][6] adding a female suffix to the cuck.

A related word, first appearing in 1520, is wittol, which substitutes wit (in the sense of knowing) for the first part of the word, referring to a man aware of and reconciled to his wife's infidelity.[7]

Cuckold Horns


An abbreviation of cuckold, the term cuck has been used by the alt-right to attack the masculinity of an opponent. It was originally aimed at other conservatives, whom the alt-right saw as ineffective.[8]

Metaphor and symbolism

A flag used in the English Civil War by Horatio Cary referring to the Earl of Essex's notorious marital problems

In Western traditions, cuckolds have sometimes been described as 'wearing the horns of a cuckold' or just 'wearing the horns'. This is an allusion to the mating habits of stags, who forfeit their mates when they are defeated by another male.[9]

In Italy (especially in Southern Italy, where it is a major personal offence), the insult is often accompanied by the sign of the horns. In French, the term is 'porter des cornes'. In German, the term is 'jemandem Hörner aufsetzen', or 'Hörner tragen', the husband is 'der gehörnte Ehemann'.

Rabelais's Tiers Livers of Gargantua and Pantagruel (1546) portrays a horned fool as a cuckold.[10] In Molière's L'École des femmes (1662), a man named Arnolphe (see below) who mocks cuckolds with the image of the horned buck (becque cornu) becomes one at the end.

In Chinese usage, the cuckold (or wittol) is said to be '戴綠帽子' 'wearing the green hat', alluding to the sumptuary laws used from the 13th to the 18th centuries that required males in households with prostitutes to wrap their heads in a green scarf (or later a hat).[11]


A saint Arnoul(t), Arnolphe, or Ernoul, possibly Arnold of Soissons, is often cited as the patron saint of cuckolded husbands, hence the name of Molière's character Arnolphe.[12][13]

The Greek hero Actaeon is often associated with cuckoldry, as when he is turned into a stag, he becomes 'horned'.[14] This is alluded to in Shakespeare's Merry Wives, Robert Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, and others.[15]

Cuckoldry as a fetish

Cuckold Horns Gesture


Unlike the traditional definition of the term, in fetish usage a cuckold or wife watching is complicit in their partner's sexual 'infidelity'; the wife who enjoys cuckolding her husband is called a cuckoldress if the man is more submissive.[16][page needed][17][18] If a couple can keep the fantasy in the bedroom, or come to an agreement where being cuckolded in reality does not damage the relationship, they may try it out in reality. However, the primary proponent of the fantasy is almost always the one being humiliated, or the 'cuckold': the cuckold convinces his lover to participate in the fantasy for them, though other 'cuckolds' may prefer their lover to initiate the situation instead. The fetish fantasy does not work at all if the cuckold is being humiliated against their will.[19]

Psychology regards cuckold fetishism as a variant of masochism, the cuckold deriving pleasure from being humiliated.[20][21] In Freudian analysis, cuckold fetishism is the eroticization of the fears of infidelity and of failure in the man's competition for procreation and the affection of females.[citation needed] In his book Masochism and the Self, psychologist Roy Baumeister advanced a Self Theory analysis that cuckolding (or specifically, all masochism) was a form of escaping from self-awareness, at times when self-awareness becomes burdensome, such as with perceived inadequacy. According to this theory, the physical or mental pain from masochism brings attention away from the self, which would be desirable in times of 'guilt, anxiety, or insecurity', or at other times when self-awareness is unpleasant.[22]

See also

  • Polyandry, marriage to plural husbands


  1. ^Steven M. Platek and Todd K. Shackelford (Eds.), Female Infidelity and Paternal Uncertainty: Evolutionary Perspectives on Male Anti-Cuckoldry Tactics. Cambridge University Press: New York, 2006.
  2. ^'Online Etymology Dictionary'. Retrieved 19 December 2016.
  3. ^ abcWilliams, Janet (4 July 2009). 'Cuckolds, Horns and Other Explanations'. BBC News. Retrieved 11 February 2013.
  4. ^Geoffrey Hughes (26 March 2015). An Encyclopedia of Swearing: The Social History of Oaths, Profanity, Foul Language, and Ethnic Slurs in the English-speaking World. Taylor & Francis. pp. 191–. ISBN978-1-317-47677-1.
  5. ^Coleman, Julie (1 January 1999). Love, Sex, and Marriage: A Historical Thesaurus. Rodopi. ISBN9042004339. Retrieved 22 November 2016 – via Google Books.
  6. ^Williams, Gordon (13 September 2001). A Dictionary of Sexual Language and Imagery in Shakespearean and Stuart Literature: Three Volume Set Volume I A-F Volume II G-P Volume III Q-Z. A&C Black. ISBN9780485113938. Retrieved 22 November 2016 – via Google Books.
  7. ^Oxford English Dictionary
  8. ^Stack, Liam (August 15, 2017). 'Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language'. The New York Times.
  9. ^E. Cobham Brewer 1810–1897. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1898.
  10. ^LaGuardia, David P., Intertextual Masculinity in French Renaissance Literature, Ashgate Publishing (Franham, UK 2008) p. 133.
  11. ^Sommer, Matthew Harvey (2002). Sex, Law, and Society in Late Imperial China. Stanford: Stanford University Press. p. 218. ISBN0-8047-4559-5. Retrieved 2008-07-27.
  12. ^Brian Joseph Levy, The Comic Text: Patterns and Images in the Old French Fabliaux, 2000, ISBN9042004290
  13. ^William Beck, 'Arnolphe or Monsieur de la Souche?', The French Review42:2:254-261 (December 1968) JSTOR386804, p. 255
  14. ^Oxford English Dictionary, 3rd ed, 2010, s.v.
  15. ^John Stephen Farmer, Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present, 1903, s.v., p. 15
  16. ^Ley, David (2009). Insatiable Wives: Women Who Stray and the Men Who Love Them. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN978-1-4422-0031-9.
  17. ^Kort, Joe; Psychotherapist, Ph D.; Sex, Certified; Kort, Relationship Therapist at Joe; Associates;, P. C. (13 September 2016). 'The Expanding Phenomenon Of Cuckolding: Even Gay Men Are Getting Into It'. Huffington Post. Retrieved 19 December 2016.
  18. ^Harris, Lynn. 'What do you call a female cuckold?'. Salon. Retrieved 19 December 2016.
  19. ^Klein, Donald C. (1 Dec 1999). 'The humiliation dynamic: An overview'. The Journal of Primary Prevention. 12 (2): 93–121. doi:10.1007/BF02015214. PMID24258218. S2CID43535241.
  20. ^Rufus, Anneli (Jul 29, 2010). 'The Intellectual Sex Fetish'. The Daily Beast. Retrieved August 30, 2012.
  21. ^'Cuckolding can also be mixed with other non-monogamous relationship arrangements with which it has substantial overlap such as swinging, open relationships, and polyamory. Again, it is distinguished from these concepts in that cuckold's thrill in their partner's acts is specifically masochistic.', Betchen, Stephen J., Magnetic Partners blog post, 11/18/14
  22. ^Baumeister, Roy (2014). Masochism and the Self. New York: Psychology Press. ISBN978-1138876064.

External links

Look up cuckold in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Cuckold Horns Symbol

  • Una McIlvenna (December 20, 2017). 'From the 16th-century to men's rights activists: The history of the insult 'cuckold''. ABC. Retrieved December 20, 2017.

Cuckold Horns Definition

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