Unlock Protected Blocks In Tia Portal

  1. Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) enables complete access to the entire digitalized automation, from digital planning and integrated engineering to transparent operation. As part of the Digital Enterprise Software Suite, it joins PLM and MES in rounding out the comprehensive of-fering from Siemens for companies on the path.
  2. On the other hand, if you are however interested in the blocks' contents, you have a way to peep into the STL version of the code. Q: Can I lock/unlock UDTs? A: Yes, from version v1.4 you can lock also UDT (User Data Type) blocks. Unlike all other blocks (OB, FC,FB), a protected UDT cannot be modified but its contents can be displayed.
  3. Protected blocks generally can be unprotected, but this is not allowed by Siemens and I don't know who will help you. But answer is yes, blocks can be unprotected. If you have sourcecode for blocks than you can unlock the by legal methods. You need just to delete option 'KNOWHOWPROTECT' in source code and recompile it. Then block will be.

Q: What's the S7CanOpener purpose?

A: the S7CanOpener can unlock S7 blocks protected with the 'know_how_protect' keyword.

Q: Can it unlock also S7 libraries?

'Bind to Serial Number of the PLC' - This setting will allow a block to be bound to. Siemens Edition or Ultimate Edition; TIA Portal V13/14/15; S7-PLCSIM. Sorting by Height with S7-PLCSIM V13/14.

A: Yes, it works on S7programs (*.s7p) and S7libraries (*.s7l)

Q: Can it unlock Step7 v5.5 new “Block Privacy” protection ?

A: No, at the moment the tool is not able to decrypt such protection.

Q: I have a PLC that requires a password for online operations, can I use the S7CanOpener to defeat the password?

A: No. The S7CanOpener operates on projects stored on the hard disk, it does not operate online in the PLC memory and does not remove the password set in the CPU at hardware configuration level.

Q: Will I be able to read the comments within an unlocked block?

A: Yes, if the original block contained comments.

Q: I have some SCL or CFC blocks, can I reverse the code to obtain the source file?

A: No. In case you have SCL, CFC, GRAPH7, HIGRAPH blocks, once unlocking them you will get the compiled version of the block or, in other words, plain STL code with no comments and no variables name at all. If you expected the full-source text file, it is not possible: in that case your only chance is to get the original SCL or CFC source file. On the other hand, if you are however interested in the blocks' contents, you have a way to peep into the STL version of the code.

Q: Can I lock/unlock UDTs?

A: Yes, from version v1.4 you can lock also UDT (User Data Type) blocks. Unlike all other blocks (OB, FC,FB), a protected UDT cannot be modified but its contents can be displayed.

Q: Can I unlock SFCs and SFBs?

Unlock Protected Blocks In Tia Portal

A: SFCs and SFBs cannot be unlocked since they are functions stored in the PLC's system memory and cannot be read. What we see and use in S7 is just the block's interface (parameters assignment) and not the complete block. Offline SFCs and SFBs contain no S7 code.

Organization blocks (OBs) represent the interface between the operating system and the user program. Called by the operating system, they control cyclic and interrupt­driven program execution, startup behavior of the PLC and error handling. You can program the organization blocks to determine CPU behavior.

Organization Block Priority

Organization blocks determine the sequence (start events) by which individual program sections are executed. An OB call can interrupt the execution of another OB. Which OB is allowed to interrupt another OB depends on its priority. Higher priority OBs can interrupt lower priority OBs. The background OB has the lowest priority.

Types of Interrupt and Priority Classes

Start events triggering an OB call are known as interrupts. The following table shows the types of interrupt in STEP 7 and the priority of the organization blocks assigned to them. Not all organization blocks listed and their priority classes are available in all S7 CPUs (see 'S7-300 Programmable Controller, Hardware and Installation Manual' and 'S7-400, M7-400 Programmable Controllers Module Specifications Reference Manual').

Type of Interrupt

Organization Block

Priority Class (Default)

See also

Main program scan



Time-of-day interrupts

OB10 to OB17


Time-delay interrupts









Cyclic interrupts



















Hardware interrupts

















DPV1 interrupts

OB 55

OB 56

OB 57




Multicomputing interrupt

OB60 Multicomputing


Synchronous cycle interrupt

OB 61

OB 62

OB 63

OB 64


Redundancy errors

OB70 I/O Redundancy Error (only in H systems)

OB72 CPU Redundancy Error (only in H systems)



'Error Handling Organization Blocks (OB70 to OB87 / OB121 to OB122)'

Asynchronous errors


(or 28 if the asynchronous error OB exists in the startup program)

Background cycle


29 1)


OB100 Restart
(Warm start)

OB101 Hot Restart

OB102 Cold Restart




Synchronous errors

Priority of the OB that caused the error

1) The priority class 29 corresponds to priority 0.29. The background cycle has a lower priority than the free cycle.

Changing the Priority

Interrupts can be assigned parameters with STEP 7. With the parameter assignment you can for example, deselect interrupt OBs or priority classes in the parameter blocks: time­of­day interrupts, time­delay interrupts, cyclic interrupts, and hardware interrupts.

The priority of organization blocks on S7-300 CPUs is fixed.

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With S7-400 CPUs (and the CPU 318) you can change the priority of the following organization blocks with STEP 7:

  • OB10 to OB47

  • OB70 to OB72 (only H CPUs) and OB81 to OB87 in RUN mode.

The following priority classes are permitted:

  • Priority classes 2 to 23 for OB10 to OB47

  • Priority classes 2 to 28 for OB70 to OB72

  • Priority classes 24 to 26 for OB81 to OB87; for CPUs as of approx. The middle of 2001 (Firmware Version 3.0) the ranges where extended: Priority classes 2 to 26 can be set for OB 81 to OB 84 as well as for OB 86 and OB 87.

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You can assign the same priority to several OBs. OBs with the same priority are processed in the order in which their start events occur.

Error OBs started by synchronous errors are executed in the same priority class as the block being executed when the error occurred.

Local Data

Unlock Protected Blocks In Tia Portal

When creating logic blocks (OBs, FCs, FBs), you can declare temporary local data. The local data area on the CPU is divided among the priority classes.

On S7-400, you can change the amount of local data per priority class in the 'priority classes' parameter block using STEP 7.

Start Information of an OB

Every organization block has start information of 20 bytes of local data that the operating system supplies when an OB is started. The start information specifies the start event of the OB, the date and time of the OB start, errors that have occurred, and diagnostic events.

For example, OB40, a hardware interrupt OB, contains the address of the module that generated the interrupt in its start information.

Deselected Interrupt OBs

If you assign priority class 0 or assign less than 20 bytes of local data to a priority class, the corresponding interrupt OB is deselected. The handling of deselected interrupt OBs is restricted as follows:

  • In RUN mode, they cannot be copied or linked into your user program.

  • In STOP mode, they can be copied or linked into your user program, but when the CPU goes through a restart (warm start) they stop the startup and an entry is made in the diagnostic buffer.

By deselecting interrupt OBs that you do not require, you increase the amount of local data area available, and this can be used to save temporary data in other priority classes.

Cyclic Program Processing

Cyclic program processing is the 'normal' type of program execution on programmable logic controllers, meaning the operating system runs in a program loop (the cycle) and calls the organization block OB1 once in every loop in the main program. The user program in OB1 is therefore executed cyclically.

Unlock Protected Blocks In Tia Portal

Event-Driven Program Processing

Unlock Protected Blocks In Tia Portals

Cyclic program processing can be interrupted by certain events (interrupts). If such an event occurs, the block currently being executed is interrupted at a command boundary and a different organization block that is assigned to the particular event is called. Once the organization block has been executed, the cyclic program is resumed at the point at which it was interrupted.

This means it is possible to process parts of the user program that do not have to be processed cyclically only when needed. The user program can be divided up into 'subroutines' and distributed among different organization blocks. If the user program is to react to an important signal that occurs relatively seldom (for example, a limit value sensor for measuring the level in a tank reports that the maximum level has been reached), the subroutine that is to be processed when the signal is output can be located in an OB whose processing is event-driven.

Linear Versus Structured Programming

You can write your entire user program in OB1 (linear programming). This is only advisable with simple programs written for the S7-300 CPU and requiring little memory.

Complex automation tasks can be controlled more easily by dividing them into smaller tasks reflecting the technological functions of the process or that can be used more than once. These tasks are represented by corresponding program sections, known as the blocks (structured programming).

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See also:

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