Rappelz Mercenary Build

< Mercenary

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Rappelz Mercenary Build
Rappelz mercenary build 2018 free
  • 3Build Skeleton

General Playstyle[edit | edit source]

As a melee frontline career, Mercenary should funnel enemies in front of you as much as you can and buy space for your range focus and more squishy teammates. When there is a Boss on the field, focus on the weaker mobs first then help your team deal with the Boss. Or pull the Boss aggro onto you with so your low health teammates have a better chance surviving.

Recommended Range Weapon Choice[edit | edit source]

All range weapons are very viable on Mercenary. Only on certain builds, one range weapon can outperform others.

Properties&TraitGutter RunnerPackmasterRatling Gunner/Warpfire ThrowerPoison Wind Globadier/Blightstormer/LifeleechMisc
Repeater HandgunPower vs Skaven & Monster


One shot-bodyshotTwo shot-bodyshot
HandgunPower vs Skaven & Berzerker

Power vs Chaos on Charm

Conservative Shooter

One shot-bodyshotAlso one shot-bodyshot Plague Monk/Savage
BlunderbussPower vs Infantry & Crit Chance


One shot-bodyshot with full pellets land on the Specials

Build Skeleton[edit | edit source]

Horde focus build[edit | edit source]


This build is meant for horde damage focus playstyle.

With this build, you should prioritize at horde damage. When there are Elites mixing inside a bunch of mobs, try to peel horde mobs off from them and focus on mobs, so other Elites killing careers have more space to do what they are good at.

The core talent of this build is Level 10 talent Limb-Splitters and Level 20 talent Enhanced Training. Limb-Splitter can make your melee weapon hit around 50% more enemies per swing, and Enhanced Training boosts your attack speed more to increase your crowd control ability.

Recommend to pair with melee weapons like Two-Handed Sword, Sword, Mace and Sword, Spear. Or use it to boost other types of weapon’s damage on horde.

Elites focus build[edit | edit source]


This build is meant for Elites damage focus playstyle.

With this build, you should prioritize at Elites. When there are Elites mixing inside a bunch of mobs, try to find an opening and quickly kill them with your high single target damage.

Rappelz Mercenary Build 2018 Free

The core talent of this build is Level 10 talent The More the Merrier and Level 20 talent Reikland Reaper. Both these talents can increase your raw power, giving your up to 40% extra damage against Elites.

Recommend to pair with melee weapons like Executioner Sword, Halberd, Mace. Or use it to boost other types of weapon’s damage to Elites.

Shield weapon focus build[edit | edit source]


This build is meant for shield weapon.

Rappelz Mercenary Build 2018 Free

With this build, you should prioritize at crowd control. Utilize your Shield Push and Shield Bash(need wiki mechanic page) to stagger all types of Horde Mobs and Elites so your team can safely dish out damage onto them.


The core talent of this build is Level 10 talent Helborg’s Tutelage. Kruber’s shield weapon and Blunderbuss has a unique move that can trigger it multiple times per hit. Use shield weapon’s *Shield Bash(need wiki mechanic page) and Blunderbuss *Shotgun Bash(need wiki mechanic page) to receive multiple stacks of Helborg’s Tutelage and trigger guaranteed crit quickly.


Rappelz Mercenary Tp Build

Recommend to pair with Sword and Shield, Mace and Shield. And since the Level 10 talent Helborg’s Tutelage can also be triggered by Blunderbuss. Combining with the fact that theoretically you can have infinite shotgun ammo with guaranteed crit, it has higher priority than other range weapon choices in this build.

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